The Problem
Teens are expressing a lack of cultural awareness, despite a large immigrant and refugee population. In addition, Greensboro has few free, safe, and inclusive activities for teens outside of the schools.
Teens are expressing a lack of cultural awareness, despite a large immigrant and refugee population. In addition, Greensboro has few free, safe, and inclusive activities for teens outside of the schools.
We took our monthly, themed teen nights and focused on cultural competency. Each month, we pick a different country and support local businesses that represent that country by bringing in food, activities, and guest speakers for teens to experience. These nights are hosted by our group, but open to the public. We post them on all the community calendars we can find. The events are open to teens ages 13-18.
It went well. The activities were well received.
About the diversity and global representation present in Greensboro and in our group.
The marketing methods
Making sushi
Food was the most popular