Supplying Nature’s Nursery

  • Location
    Perrysburg, Ohio
  • Status
  • Age Level
    8 to 10 Years
    11 to 13 Years

The Problem

Injured and homeless wildlife in our community need human intervention to survive. We notice injured and sick wildlife in our community and want to assist with their rehabilitation and survival rate. Local wildlife in our community includes deer, raccoons, opossums, squirrels, foxes, coyotes, turtles, reptiles and amphibians, birds, owls, and rabbits.

Our Plan

After mapping our community, our members discovered a great wealth of natural areas in our community. They also learned there are quite a few wild animals in North West Ohio who benefit from the natural areas our community provides and maintains. The group members decided to collect supplies for a local wildlife rehabilitation center in a neighboring town. “Nature's Nursery is a 501(c)(3) non-profit wildlife rehabilitation center whose mission is to improve the well-being of Northwest Ohio wildlife populations and habitats through public education and rehabilitation, with an emphasis on coexistence.” Our members will create a supply drive, create fliers and school announcements that describe the drive and collection location and process to the 880 students and 100 teachers in our school as well as their families. Once the collection drive begins, club members will be responsible for manning the collection location inside the school, boxing up donations, and continuing to promote the drive to garner more donations. Once the supply drive is complete, club members would like to personally deliver the supplies to the rehab facility, meet the staff and animals, and tour the facility as well as learn about wildlife rehabilitation of Ohio’s local animals.

Themes Addressed

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    Animal Welfare
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    Homeless Animals
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The Benefit

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