Students Care and want to make this Happen: Restoration of Mountain View Elementary’s Outdoor Classroom

  • Location
    Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • Status

The Problem

School year: 2014-2015 Mt.View built a partnership with The Valle de Oro Refuge. We have an outdoor classroom that is not used for several reasons. Such as: old needles, liquor debris, and trash. Our wish: is restore so we can and the rest of the school, and our parents could use the space to how to restore and protect our environment. Especially living and teaching by long the largest cottonwood forest in the world with the Rio Grande river. The BOSQUE

Our Plan

First, I will look alone for any obvious dangers to clean before the students are exposed. Then, I will educate about the the dangers, and use leather gloves, rakes, wheel barrels, and what is needed to make the outdoor classroom safe. My 4th grade students will measure and design the landscape to plan and read about what creatures and bigs survive in a high-dessert climate. They will use IPADS and field note notebooks to collect such data. We will recognize the established habitats and will not disturb them. Students will use power saws to build and assemble benches, design information plaques that explain about the existing habitat and what is necessary to keep them safe.

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement
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The Benefit

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