Stress Relief Rocks

  • Location
    Andover, Massachusetts
  • Status

The Problem

Most people in our school are not aware of the garden we have, and if they know it’s there, they don’t go in or know what it’s for. Our project will make the garden more aesthetically pleasing and it will beautify the garden. This will encourage people to spend more time in the garden and will make people want to be involved and use it more. Also, we hope that it will make people more interested in the cultivation of the garden, and it will allow people to learn about agriculture on a small scale.

Our Plan

We will paint and decorate rocks and bricks which will line the garden beds. We are going to be making a scavenger hunt with different species rock decorations, and people will want to go into the garden so they can play this fun game. Some of the rocks will be of school spirit, animal decorations, etc. Once we fully decorate the garden and place the rocks there, we will have a survey which will ask people how they feel about the garden before and after out project.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement

The Benefit

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