Stop the Drop

  • Location
    Wilmington, North Carolina
  • Status

The Problem

Stop the Drop will educate students and members of the community to the direct impact careless tossing of plastic and other trash has to the environmental pollution in the ocean. It will also directly benefit the shores of two locations in town as we make a clean-up which will benefit the future users of these locations. Potentially it will be Snow’s Cut and the Cape Fear River. It is even more pertinent as Wilmington is a coastal community.

Our Plan

We envision 400+ students and their families will learn about plastic marine debris. They will be engaged and challenged to make a difference which in a small way will work towards keeping our beautiful coastal location cleaner. The benefit depends on how our investment in the next generation plays out. If we are able to impart the importance of reducing the use of plastics as well as recycling, we will not only be encouraging the students to keep the environment cleaner, we will be showing them how to conserve not only natural resources such as petroleum and natural gas, but also landfill space. By using our art exhibit, we bring a visual and interactive presentation to engage the students in this project and teach them about the negative impact of plastic marine debris on marine biota. It will be a unique introduction to this global problem. Educational materials will encourage participation in the clean-ups. These clean-ups will show them firsthand the extent to which careless dropping moves so close to entering the ocean and the amount that exists in the environment. Press releases and emails to our local community will highlight the endeavors of these young students.

Themes Addressed

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    Clean Water
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    Community Enhancement
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The Benefit

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