stolen souls film project

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The Problem

we are making this short film to create awareness in the rural communities. its about human trafficking and since people in the rural areas are not well informed about such issues we took it upon us as the youth to come together and make this film so to show them the things that are happening around the world. we are also doing this to make kids realise their dreams and have no fear of taking on the world as this will build their confidence.we are hoping to inspire the world and make people believe that that anything is possible if we work together towards building a positive community. we hope that people will be supportive,whether financially or provide us with resources we might be in short of.

Our Plan

it will educate people on how to protect themselves from people who take advantage of innocent souls and prey on will also enlighten them on how to deal with such issues,how to deal with post trauma teach them how to break the silence and also teach people about the spirit of oneness.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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