The Problem
We want to change dilapidated areas into beautiful areas where people want to live and work. Work would also involve clearing old run down lots and buildings to make way for new energy efficient, green buildings.
We want to change dilapidated areas into beautiful areas where people want to live and work. Work would also involve clearing old run down lots and buildings to make way for new energy efficient, green buildings.
Recruit unemployed, able bodied youth to provide community services in exchange for opportunities to continue education, become employed, and own and operate their own business. We want to partner with property owners to allow Spectrum Youth Corp members to beautify under the supervision of a contractor. We will use the funds to help improve our website to include ways our community partners can participate to include making donations of supplies and material, machinery, equipment, as well as donations of land that need to be redeveloped and beautified. Community volunteers would provide additional assistance.