SPA (Santuario para Aves/Sanctuary for Birds)

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The Problem

Protect the species of birds that can be found in the hills near my school (Hill island) which are not protected from urbanization and make up part of the few ecosystems that can be found inside Santiago City that help reduce the city's air pollution and beautify it with its variety of flora and fauna.

Our Plan

Create a sanctuary fro birds in order for them to have a place to rest and hopefully nest. This will be accomplished by creating an ecosystem similar to that found in the near by hills of my school. The project consist in having a secluded place of my school (With the least amount of human interaction), clean it, remove those species that do not belong to the target ecosystem and reforest with trees and bushes that will ultimately grow to create the target environment.

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement
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The Benefit

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