Smoke Detector Install for Safety

  • Location
    Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Status

The Problem

The Bonanza High School Fire Science Academy would like to install 30 smoke detectors in low income Las Vegas neighborhood that service the Bonanza High School area. These homes are older and many dont have working smoke detectors according to a survey that the students participated in this year. Bonanza High School Fire Science Academy serves the educational needs and interests of the Las Vegas community as well as the Clark County School District by awarding certificates, workplace skills, and post-secondary credit. As a comprehensive, hands on learning-centered academy, Bonanza High School Fire Science Academy utilizes various instructional qualities and support services. Bonanza High School Fire Science Academy provides an accessible, diverse teaching and learning environment full of opportunities for students to achieve workplace and academic success and cultural growth in local society.

Our Plan

Students will walk house to house with firefighters and teachers to help install smoke detectors in houses that accept the offer. Our goal is 30 homes with 30 new smoke detectors to help protect neighbors in the Bonanza High School Area. Students have raised money and installed 10 smoke detectors in the past however we would like a goal for 2017-18 school year of 30 smoke detectors one weekend.

Themes Addressed

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