Here is how the project went:
Building a cobb walled garden proved to be more complex than anticipated. Thankfully, due to the resourcefulness of one community member, we were able to pull in some expert guidance. With their assistance, our community volunteers were able to build a lasting structure that holds a grassy patch, edible plants and resilient vegetation for the kids to explore.
Through this project I/we learned:
When attempting something new, that no one has experience with, more attention should be put into planning and anticipating issues. Building the cobb retaining wall required multiple stages, over several days. And we needed to protect the under construction stage from not only curious preschoolers but from the elements until the structure fully set.
What I/we might change:
We would anticipate the timeline required for the duration of the project and plan its stages while school is not in session and the weather forecast does not include rain.
My/our favorite part of this project was:
Working along side community members allowed time for real connection. Lovely conversations were had all the while we were creating something tangible for our children's space.
Some tips, tricks or fun facts about the project:
Many hands create light work. When ever we can pull in community, the work involved feels more like playtime!