Seraphina’s Bee Sanctuary and presentation

  • Location
    Leesburg, Georgia
  • Status

The Problem

I’d like to transform an acre of my yard into a bee sanctuary and add flowers and other plants that will be nourishment for bees and a spot that they can live in safely. I also plan to take pictures to share with my class to educate them on the importance of bee conservation and the effect the dwindling bee population will have on the global environment.

Our Plan

My project will educate other kids at my school on multiple ways that they can create an environment to support bee populations. I will transform an acre of my yard into a few different areas that will appeal to bees. I will take pictures to use in my school presentation and make a video discussing some ways our global food supply would be affected without pollinators and give some helpful facts to show my classmates how even doing a little can help a lot.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
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    Food Choices
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The Benefit

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