Seed bombs- Replanting Native Species

  • Location
    Granada Hills, California
  • Status
  • Age Level
    8 to 10 Years
    11 to 13 Years
    14 to 18 Years

The Problem

We want to replant native species that are native to the LA area. LA county has undergone many years of ecological successions and been introduced to many invasive species. Adding or bringing back native species will help with rehabilitating species interactions; create cultural prosperity & engagement; provide cultural services; and overall help our plant diversity loss.

Our Plan

We first plan to research areas around Granada Hills that have poorer ecological health and explore the native plant species of that area. We will then locate five areas for each delegated team member to plant their seedbomb. Before introducing the seed bombs, the team member will test the soil PH and write down quantative data of other species in the location, which I then will collect in a data sheet.

Themes Addressed

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    Animal Welfare
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    Biodiversity Loss
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    Community Enhancement

The Benefit

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