The Problem
We are refugees living in a refugee camp that was stablished in 1992. The camp is located in the north -western part of kenya in Africa. The environment is semi-arid, a favourite home for venomous animals such scorpions, snakes, centipedes and spiders. For two decades, refugees were exposed to stings and snakebites. Many have lost their loved ones, and some are left with either amputed finger, arm, leg on one hand. Species were exposed to the unecessary crashing down and killing on the other hand. Although the high rate of stings and snakebites which are considered as second threat after malaria to this populated camp ( 245,000 ) inhabitants. We have come up with this initiative of Scorpion Control Center to provide these vulnerable people with the education that will protect both the people and the species. Through education, we aim to create a new mindset, a new culture and new believe about the species by developing a theory that explains the important role of the species in the ecosystem.