School-wide Composting Campaign

  • Location
    Los Angeles, California
  • Status

The Problem

One of the main lessons in our school garden has been teaching students the benefits of composting. Now that our garden is growing, we are trying to instill a school-wide composting system and provide containers to classrooms so that students can contribute left-over fruits, veggies, and other foods to build compost for our garden!

Our Plan

Our project will help us provide and set up composting bins in various class rooms and other locations on campus. Our aim is to teach students the science behind composting and to get them excited about building their own compost so that the collection of left-overs is successful. We will collect bins from school areas on a weekly basis and set-up a designated compost area in our garden. Building and turning our compost pile will become an activity for our garden students to work on regularly! The compost we generate will help the fruits, vegetables, and other plans we grow in our garden to THRIVE!

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon
    Food Choices
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The Benefit

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