School Supply Drive for Children in Cali-Colombia

  • Location
    Cali - Colombia
  • Status
  • Age Level
    11 to 13 Years
    14 to 18 Years

The Problem

Cali in southwest Colombia is the third most populous city in the country. Unfortunately, crimes including robberies, gunfights and murders are common news in Cali. While there are improvements from the past, certain neighborhoods are avoided and Barrio Siloé (Siloe neighborhood) is one of them. We have partnered with Red Cross in Colombia and have identified a list of children in vulnerability in these dangerous neighborhoods, we are helping them and their families so they can go back to school. We will be collecting backpacks and school supplies to be deliver to these children in need hoping they have what is necessary for their learning.

Our Plan

We are expecting that all these supplies encourage these children to learn and stay pit of trouble and at the same time helping their families financially since all these supplies are very expensive in Colombia. Our project will be successful if we collect enough backpacks full of supplies for all children identified, so far we have a list of 73 children ranging between 3 and 14 years old that will be receiving these donations.

Themes Addressed

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    Poverty & Equity

The Benefit

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Here is how the project went:

We were able to collect enough back packs and school supplies for the vulnerable children in Cali-Colombia

Through this project I/we learned:

About the need of other children in the world, also about how privilege we are and all the good that we can still do in the world.

What I/we might change:

We will need to partner with a shipping company so instead of using the grant money for shipping we can use it for more supplies.

My/our favorite part of this project was:

See how all the kids in my classroom participate and help me reach my goal.

Some tips, tricks or fun facts about the project:

Make sure you are surrounded by people like you that are willing to go the extra mile to get to the final goal, that are hard workers and committed to to service.

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