School playground and Food Forest

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The Problem

Our small Kiwengwa International Nursery and Primary School (KINS) is going green. We are re-designing the school premises under permaculture principles. Our landlord has given us adjacent currently neglected land that we may use as playground for the children and as space to explore how to plant a food forest.

Our Plan

Currently, the plot is full of plastic waste, building materials, and rubbish accumulated over many years. We are planning a school event for the 20th of August to raise awareness among parents, the local community and the general public about our aim to provide education and inspiration by beautifying this piece of degraded land and turning it into a natural playground and food forest. We are planning to set up waste management stations and are hoping to teaching ways of re-using what currently is littering our environment by teaching bottle-brick making, papercrete, etc. We are hoping to motivate especially our neighbours to join us in this project.

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement
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The Benefit

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