School Hobby Club

  • Location
    live oak, Florida
  • Status

The Problem

The students wanted to create a time and space during the regular school day where they could share their love of different hobbies and also learn new ones fro their peers. This project allows my students with special needs to socialize with other students in a fun and creative way. It also allows all students a peaceful break from the rigorous academic day.

Our Plan

Hobby Club was designed by our special needs students as a community service project. This project will allow students to work on hobbies during their lunch break with their peers. Students may chose from Art, Lego building, Games, or Crafting. Students are able to just relax in a calm environment away from the typical noisy lunch tables to enjoy a fun encounter with their peers. Special needs students will also be able to enjoy socializing with peers while they engage in a creative and fun encounter.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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