School Garden

  • Location
    Oshkosh, Wisconsin
  • Status
  • Age Level
    Any Age

The Problem

The problem within our district is the carbon emissions that result from vehicle transportation. Also, the amount of waste created by our district. To alleviate this problem we have decided to create a school garden. With the school garden students will grow fruits and vegetables that can be used for school lunches. This will decrease the transportation carbon emissions because the amount of food service deliveries will decrease. Also, the weight of the food service truck will lessen, leading to lower fuel consumption. Additionally, within the garden there will be a compost station that will lower the amount of waste created by the school. This compost then can be added back into the garden or school landscaping to fertilize the soil. Creating a garden will encourage environmentally aware habits because students will learn how to garden and the benefits. Also, students will be able to interact with the school community because the garden is for all grades. Lastly, they will grow healthy habits by becoming excited about the gardening process and eating healthy foods.

Our Plan

We will know our project was successful if the amount of food service deliveries decreases and the schools waste production decreases. To find these improvements information will be collected. To start the average amount of food deliveries per month will be recorded prior to the garden. This data will be compared to the amount of food deliveries while the garden is in use. Additionally, the amount of lunches/schools snacks that food from the garden is used will be recorded. Lastly, the average amount of trash bags the janitor fills at the end of the day will be recorded prior to the garden. This data then will be compared to the amount of trash bags thrown away while the garden is in use. There will be a clipboard by the school garbage bins where individuals will record a tally per bag.

Themes Addressed

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    Air Pollution
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    Responsible Consumption

The Benefit

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