School Flower and Herb Garden

  • Location
    Pine City, Minnesota
  • Status

The Problem

Our goal is to develop a series of low-tech, low-cost methods of growing flowers and edible plants outside our school and in cooperation with our local food shelf. Some examples of growing methods could include straw bale, trellis, containers, pallet walls, hanging containers, etc. The money would be used to buy plants and seeds mainly, but would also be used for some miscellaneous hardware and building materials. We are planning to coordinate with the area food shelf which has similar plans to develop some growing stations on their property.

Our Plan

We have a smaller student population at our alternative school in a modified building. A Youth-Build project of creating a patio is in the works. We would like to build some plant growing stations in and around our patio for beautification of the area as well as fresh herbs and other vegetables for our own consumption. The coordinator for the food shelf is coming in two week to consult with us, after which we plan on helping them establish some food growing plots before we start our own.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon
    Food Choices

The Benefit

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