The Problem
Through this project, we wish to create awareness about the conditions of orangutans.
Through this project, we wish to create awareness about the conditions of orangutans.
9-10 years old students learned about orangutans and the need to save them in Indonesia where they have become an endangered species due to illegal logging for palm plantations. This was followed by attending a lecture by Anne E. Russon, an expert on the subject. The students got inspired by the work done by her with BOSF (Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation) and decided to raise funds to adopt two baby orangutans. Over next few weeks, they made products out of recycled materials and set up a bazaar for the school community. The funds raised from the sale was used to adopt two baby orangutans for a period of two years. The bazaar was also used as an opportunity to spread awareness about conditions of orangutans. Students now plan to visit their adopted orangutans in Borneo to first-hand see, how these animals are being taken care of.