Saving ‘Levidi’ Hill

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The Problem

We wish to offer the local community a better place to live!

Our Plan

Our aim is to beautify the so-far-undeveloped hill so that locals can benefit from such a place in an urban area. After the completion of our project, visiting the hill will make people - and especially young children - recommit to the conservation of nature as well as raise awareness to environmental problems in the area. This hill can become an example of how each one of us can make a world of difference if only we take action. Our 10-year-old students visited the hill as part of the preparatory work needed. They were asked to make a field survey, writing reports on the specific problems and mapping the hill. Then, they were asked to present their reports to all students and prioritise the problems by voting for the most urgent. In groups, they made suggestions and offered solutions. The last stage will involve the students walking out of the classroom for a second time to take action. Some of the activities planned are the cleaning up of the hill and the hiking trails, putting up bins and signs for recycling, creating picnic areas by constructing wooden benches and tables, planting of trees and plants (an agricultural engineer will teach us all about the area's flora). At the same time, the students will run a campaign so that all the students of our school as well as the town council and the community will be informed on this environmental programme.

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement

The Benefit

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