Save the Paper Project

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The Problem

We will reuse and recycle paper from our school. We want to help local schools who don't have adequate supplies by providing paper that they can write on. We also want to raise money by selling used paper to recyclers in our local community. We hope to make recycling part of the school culture.

Our Plan

We will propose our project to teachers at our school. We will educate students about how the project will work. We will put two boxes in each classroom and teacher work areas. One box will be for paper with text only on one side. One box will be for paper that has both sides written on. We will collect the paper once a week. The paper with one blank side will be taken to a local community school for use by students. The paper with text on both sides will be sold to a local recycler. This money will be donated to local charities.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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