Save the Bees!!

  • Location
    Holladay, Utah
  • Status

The Problem

Our class is named after the beehive cluster of stars. Over the year we have talked about how every bee in a hive is important and has something unique to share. We wish that there were more beesin our community, and more beauty in this world where we live. We wish we could harvest honey and learn all that we can about bees. We wish we could share our garden with the bees.

Our Plan

We would like to save the bees in our Wasatch community. We want to provide a safe place for the bees to live and roam. We would like to harvest and sell honey from our hives and use beeswax in our handwork classes at school. We are a school that uses all of our resources and we would teach the middle schoolers to beekeep. We have a garden and a river on our property, but we do not get many bee visitors.

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement
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The Benefit

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