Here is how the project went:
With the closure of schools in Michigan, we decided to roll out our public education campaign on the City of East Jordan's Facebook page. We will be doing a series of weekly pictures of Jordy the Walleye explaining what he is doing to help keep the lake and river clean.
Through this project I/we learned:
I learned that we have to be able to adapt our campaign to whatever is thrown at us, in this case COVID-19 closing down the state.
What I/we might change:
I think that I would look at being able to do an online presence along with the physical events.
My/our favorite part of this project was:
Getting the costume for Jordy the Walleye. Having a mascot will allow us to do so many more events.
Some tips, tricks or fun facts about the project:
Don't be afraid to reach out to community or industry organizations. I was able to get some pretty cool wastewater swag to hand out at our booth from an organization of water/wastewater professionals.