The Problem
I am the founder of the Roots&Shoots chapter at Aptitud Community Academy at Goss, a title 1 elementary school in San Jose. The aim of the Roots&shoots club is to help promote environmentalism amongst 3rd through 5th graders by doing fun,hands on activities that have tangible, positive results for the environment.
Our Plan
This year, one of the biggest shortcomings that the students of Roots&Shoots have noticed at Aptitud was the lack of a recycling program. In an effort to start a recycling program, we reached out to the City of San Jose to help get some free recycling supplies. After the City of San Jose provide us with the materials that we needed, including plastic and paper recycling bins, we were able to start a recycling program at Aptitud, and thus show the kids that making a tangible effect on their environment is a reality.