Roots and Shoots Garden/Recycling Workday

  • Location
    Bakersfield, California
  • Status

The Problem

We wish that this project will be able to help the environment. It will help beautify and purify the environment. At the same, we hope that gardening and recycling will help people acknowledge and understand the importance of helping the environment.

Our Plan

Our project will help the environment, while helping people acknowledge the importance of recycling. We will collect all the recycled bottles and empty them out. We will have two bags, one for plastic bottles and the other one for aluminum cans. The money collected will be used for our garden. We will clean up the garden space, fertilize the soil, plant vegetables and fuits, and water them. We will fix up our irrigation system and, at least once a week, check up on the garden.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
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The Benefit

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