Rocky Hill Trail Collaboration Project

  • Location
    DAVIS, California
  • Status
  • Age Level
    Any Age

The Problem

We are currently working on helping with the improvement of the Rocky Hill Trail, that is led by Vacaville REACH Youth Coalition and the City of Vacaville, California, in their efforts to make this a better/safer place for the Community. This trail is used a lot by children walking to and from school. This is a trail in an underserved community that holds a place in the heart of its community members. It was a trail that was originally unpaved and neglected until REACH youth coalition pushed for the city to put in on its Master Plan to have it paved. We are a group of UC Davis - Sustainable Environmental Design majors, this project is one we chose from different community projects in our LDA 141: Community, Participation & Design course. Currently the problem is that REACH and the City Planners need visuals to advocate for further site improvements when presenting this to city council for approval of further site development. Through Surveys of the community we have identified problems to be lack of lighting at night, trash receptacles, and a sense of place-making. Community members have expressed lighting to be a top priority due to concern of nighttime safety. Then there is also a need for further improvement in regards to collaborative Community Engagement. More specifically, the problem is their isn't an official community leadership system in place. Also, there is an opportunity for an existing Community Garden to be further established and developed. The gardening beds are currently filled with tall weeds and there is no signage to designate it as a community garden.

Our Plan

We are planning to prepare site renderings for the site of the trail, including things like lighting, trash receptacles, vegetation, etc. We have identified near the entrance of the trail site a community garden owned by a local organization that is currently seeking help in leadership of restoring the garden. We have identified this garden as being a key opportunity in further engaging and attracting community members, therefore creating a greater demand for city council to give more attention/care to this trail. This identification has been attributed to the community members mentioning the garden numerous times. We would like to work on making it identifiable as community garden. We are planning to work with nearby schools to create meaningful community service opportunities that will educate the youth about community, design, ecological/environmental awareness, etc,. The more this site is used the more likely the city will consider approving expenses such as lighting, etc.

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement
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The Benefit

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