Rescue the World Club

  • Location
    South Holland, Michigan
  • Status
  • Age Level
    Any Age

The Problem

The Rescue the World Club is where kids join together to make the world a better place. We want to encourage people to clean up trash in local park areas, decrease pollution and recycle. We don't want animals and the environment struggle. We can't let the oceans get polluted, the animals to struggle and our world crash. We have to do something. Something soon.

Our Plan

We plan to continue picking up trash in community nature areas and spreading messages to inspire others to help save the plant. We paint and hide rocks with pictures and QR codes. The codes lead people to our Rescue the World website where they can see and be encouraged by the actions we are taking. There are also writings, drawling and comics about saving the planet.

Themes Addressed

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    Water Pollution & Conservation
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The Benefit

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