Reforestation Manifestation

  • Location
    Pontianak, Kansas
  • Status

The Problem

My goal ultimately is to hurry up and grow back the rainforest. I do have a financial means by directly harvesting certain types of helpful leaves from the Rainforest. I hope to show the people that reforestation is actually more benificial more profitable then Palm Plantations. I hope to encourage Big Pharma to invest in this program as so many useful medicines can be harvested directly from the rainforest.

Our Plan

The medicines that are being grown between the palm plantations are a weaker sauce then those grown under the forest canopy. Many of these medicines are derived from shade trees. The rainforest not only protects the leaves of these trees but also has more organic soil that is way more nutritious to these trees. Of course Big Pharma would want medical grade strength and purity. I wish to promote reforestation and I will be directly involved with this reforestation project starting January 7 th. I speak fluent Bahasa Indonesia and shall educate the local economy in Pontianak about this program and its many benifits.

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement
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The Benefit

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