
  • Location
    General Santos City
  • Status

The Problem

LACK OF KNOWLEDGE AND AWARENESS about our local marine wildlife makes us underestimate the ecological functions they can render to our marine ecosystems. This leads to apathy and a false belief that marine wildlife are resilient and can survive without help from us humans. But how do we address the issue of apathy? We believe that education is the answer to the growing problem of ecological apathy. We want the local coastal communities to have a knowledge of their local marine wildlife to strengthen their conservation and protection.

Our Plan

Our team is very eager to do conservation education to our respective local coastal communities to highlight the wildlife we have. Through our project ReEcho-Ethics, we will be teaching youths in coastal schools and provide them with infographics in their local language for easy comprehension. In this way, they are informed and have greater chances to appreciate marine wildlife making it more compelling for them to protect these species.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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