Redesigning Catalina’s Courtyard

  • Location
    Tucson, Arizona
  • Status
  • Age Level
    14 to 18 Years

The Problem

Our school is suffering from a lack of school community, pride in place, and family/guardian engagement. We envision that a school-wide design competition, community work days, and student-guided maintenance will begin to revive the school community while enhancing a student-centered space.

Our Plan

Our group has chosen to enhance the school campus, specifically the courtyard students use to eat lunch, socialize, and study. Most of the courtyard is comprised of clean fill and sand---uninviting, unutilized space. There is not only potential to collect rain water but also to expand the school vegetable gardens, shaded sitting space, and opportunities for cross-curricular collaboration. We envision presenting the student designs to the local watershed management group and landscape architects before we break ground. After receiving professional input, students will present the final design to the school’s site council. Students will also present the final design to the school community. During this process, the garden club will work on social media publicity and promotional videos with the goal of gaining student and family interest. The grant money will be used to purchase materials to construct raised beds, rainwater catchment systems, irrigation components, soil, plants, and trees.

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement
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    Food Insecurity
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The Benefit

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