The Problem
The Sacramento Zoo Teens will set up 8 free activity and craft stations throughout the Sacramento Zoo to education visitors about Red Pandas, conservation, and the threats facing the species.
The Sacramento Zoo Teens will set up 8 free activity and craft stations throughout the Sacramento Zoo to education visitors about Red Pandas, conservation, and the threats facing the species.
The Sacramento Zoo Teens will set up 8 free activity and craft stations throughout the Sacramento Zoo to education visitors about Red Pandas, conservation, and the threats facing the species. The stations include: Peace/Love/Red Panda Recycle Bracelets - Zoo Teens have visitors color a small piece of paper that has Peace/Love/Red Pandas on it. Teens cut a toilet paper (TP) tube in half long ways up the middle so that it is no longer a cylinder. They then cut a 1 inch piece from that tube and punch one hole on each side to tie yarn. The Peace/Love/Red Panda paper that the visitor colored is then pasted on the TP tube and tied onto the visitors wrist. Red Panda Origami - Zoo Teens instruct and help visitors fold a small piece of red paper into an origami Red Panda. Red Panda Memory Match - visitors play a memory match game using several pictures of Red Pandas in their habitat. Teens talk about Red Panda's habitats and the threats facing it. Red Panda Face Painting - Zoo Teens paint Red Pandas and Red Panda's paw prints on visitors cheeks. Red Panda Masks - Visitors color a mask while Zoo Teens talk about camouflage. Red Panda Flags - Zoo Teens have small rectangular pieces of fabric for visitors to write positive messages about Red Pandas. This craft is made to look like the prayer flags in Nepal. Red Panda Ranger Medallions - Once visitors participate in a minimum of 3 free activity stations they are awarded the honor of becoming a Red Panda Ranger and get to color a medallion to wear around their neck. Red Panda Human Game Board - Zoo Teens chalk out a large game board on a concrete space in the zoo. Visitors act as their own game piece as they roll the dice, answer questions, and work their way to the end.