Recycling Program at Lakeview Charter HS

  • Location
    Los Angeles, California
  • Status

The Problem

My Environmental Science Club is currently designing a recycling program at our school. We have about 400 students at Lakeview HS and three other schools on the campus. There has been no recycling so far, so the students and I are excited to get it started to have a green campus and do our part in helping the community. The students are in teams where they are planning on how to educate our school on the importance of recycling and spread the new of the recycling program. They will plan a recycling game and announcement at our next school wide assembly, put up posters around the school, and make announcements in every advisory class. We have calculated the number of recycling bins we need and where we are going to place them around in in the school. A few of the students' jobs are to keep track of how many bags we recycle as a school and how much money we fund raise from the bottle and cans to use for future projects such as a garden.

Our Plan

The problem our campaign will address is the lack of recycling at our school. So much paper, bottles and cans are being thrown away and taken to landfills. There is an easy solution to set up this recycling program so that the recyclables will end up at a Material Recovery Facility to be recreated into something else instead of sitting in a landfill forever. Through this project, the students have learned about why it is important that we all reduce, reuse and recycle individually and as a community. The students are seeing first hand how not doing these three things will affect our world in the future. My students will educate the rest of the school on recycling and not littering on our campus. I also plan on taking my students to a recycling center nearby so they can see how the recyclables are sorted and hear about the statistics of the amount of trash and recyclables are thrown in landfills each day.

Themes Addressed

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