Recycling is BeaUTiful Art Gala

  • Location
    Tampa, Florida
  • Status
  • Age Level
    Any Age

The Problem

The recycling programs of the Tampa Bay area are insufficient for dealing with the pounds and pounds of plastics and other recyclable items that get tossed out everyday. Especially here at the University of Tampa, we believe more can be done at the everyday level to help alleviate some of the stress these programs face but also encourage improved recycling practices all around.

Our Plan

Each spring we host the Recycling is BeaUTiful Art Gala on the UTAMPA campus. Students, faculty, and staff have the opportunity to submit artwork made from recycled and sustainable materials for a chance at a cash prize. By using the arts, we can show how there is more than one way to reuse things that would normally just be thrown away. The gala also serves as a callback to the first petition our group ran that called on the UTAMPA administration to improve on sustainability practices.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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