Recording Studio

  • Location
    Chatsworth, Georgia
  • Status

The Problem

Digitally literate students can judge, create, and convey information in the digital world. Creating 21st century learners who are digitally literate is a priority. I plan to have students use technology to enhance their writing skills by creating blogs, vlogs, and podcasts throughout content classes. I will use this money to help create a recording studio in our middle school, so the money will go toward microphones, padcasters, and other recording equipment. The recording studio will be used in cross curricular projects (with science and social studies). The topics will include the importance of reducing waste and reusing/recycling materials, human community and human condition (through the topic of the Holocaust and various other historical conflicts), and the importance of various species of wildlife (in different geographical locations).

Our Plan

-Teachers will: · facilitate the creative process by introducing methods of research and podcast/blog/vlog production. · provide technology and materials as needed. Students will create a podcast by: · Recording a radio drama based on a text · Recording an interview w/historical figures · Recording a Socratic seminar · Recording a general interest podcast to help with research · Recording a "bookcast" to review chosen text Students will create a vlog by: · Producing a web show with themes clearly present · Producing a news centered miniseries to learn research methods · Making tutorials to be used for informational pieces. We chose these activities because they address multiple standards in various subjects.

Themes Addressed

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