Rebuild a Garden Bed in Big Garden

  • Location
    GREAT FALLS, Virginia
  • Status
  • Project created by MaryV

The Problem

We have a Big Garden at Eastern Ridge School with many garden beds. Some of the beds are over 5 years old and need rebuilding. We need to fix a garden bed because it is collapsing. If we have $200 from Roots and Shoots, we would like to buy wood and some fixings. We would like to use a wood that doesn’t rot quickly. We would use Red Cedar because it doesn’t rot quickly. We will grow food to serve at school in our new bed!

Our Plan

We will invite some parents to help us build the bed. We have community work days, so we could build it then - or during school day.We already grow a lot of food in our garden, you can see our designs for the bed. We might grow purple potatoes or pumpkins in our new bed! Although we have lots of beds that need fixing, we would like to start on rebuilding our first one with a Roots and Shoots campaign and grant!

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon
    Food Choices

The Benefit

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