RCDS Green Team & Roots & Shoots Recycling Campaign

  • Location
    Tulsa, Oklahoma
  • Status

The Problem

Riverfield Country Day School's middle school Green Team hoped to continue to educate the K-12 students, their families, and faculty about the importance of recycling paper, plastic, and aluminum. Students also wished to create an awareness of reducing energy that was being used unnecessarily, and to reuse products and materials on our campus. The Green Team coordinated weekly efforts in recycling paper, plastic and aluminum cans on campus. They worked with our Tulsa Community's Mr. Murph recycling program and Green Star in order to receive funds that paid for supplies and food for the animals in the classrooms and barnyard, materials for the science lab, fieldtrips, and donations to charitable organizations. They also constructed another Riverfield Recycle Hut for the aluminum cans storage area. Green Team made it a priority to teach the younger students about recycling and coordinated several campus clean ups throughout the school year.

Our Plan

Each Friday, the Green Team picks up all paper materials from the classrooms and plastic and aluminum from the cafeteria areas and on campus. They carry campus recycle materials to the Mr. Murph bins for paper and plastic recycling and to the campus Riverfield Recycling Huts for aluminum cans. The Green Team continued their campus recycling project that began in 2003. Each year the Green Team is responsible for campus recycling. Students created t-shirts, and posted flyers around campus, put notices in our school publications, took pictures, and encouraged all RCDS families, students, and teachers to bring in recycling materials the first Friday of each month.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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