The Problem
Food Insecurity
Food Insecurity
A community garden will be established at the public library. Raised planter boxes will be constructed and used to plant a verity of vegetable and herbs.
The plants are still growing and there is finally some peppers ready to be picked. There is twenty-one different vegetables and herbs available for all community members to access for FREE.
The factual numbers of how many community members struggle with food insecurity. The simple act of kindness towards others is always returned in twofold.
We would get better dirt for the raised planter beds. The topsoil we purchased had a lot of shredded bark and not enough soil in it. We will do this project again thanks to Roots and Shoots. Next year we will use better dirt and fertilizer for our community garden.
The connections made with a verity of different community members that might not have ever used the library before.
Make sure to have plenty of volunteers to help build, plant, water, weed and harvest the community garden when you take on a project like this! It is such a rewarding project.