Raising awareness

  • Location
    Santa Barbara / Santa Ynez Valley, California
  • Status

The Problem

That we foster the growth of many Roots and Shoots groups in the area and inspire people to learn about the Roots and Shoots opportunity for them to help make the world a better place and become the compassionate leaders that the world needs now. And that we eventually have a Roots and Shoots Festival to celebrate the projects and inspire ongoing youth led service learning projects and dialogue.

Our Plan

We will be growing a Jane Goodall Institute Base Camp and spreading the word about the Roots and Shoots Program and how people can get involved. We will foster the growth of Roots and Shoots in our community by encouraging people to join and letting them know exactly how. Then we will plan and hold a Roots and Shoots Festival to celebrate our accomplishments.

Themes Addressed

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    Pets & Companion Animals
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The Benefit

About Roots & Shoots

We are nurturing the compassionate leaders of tomorrow.

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