The Problem
Haiti Plunge Inc. brings youth groups every month to Haiti. We have been working with the same nine bush mountain villages in the central plateau of Haiti for 30 years. Our 2015 project is building Raised Gardens for Women next to their houses to increase the amount of food they can provide for their children. The gardens are 4ft wide by 8ft. long, 10 inches deep on legs that are 4 1/2 high to protect the crops from animals. They can plant 5 different vegetables every 90 days. The gardens do not need a lot of water and produce a lot of food for the women to give to their children. Teams of youth can build two raised gardens a day. Because the gardens are next to their houses they can stay at home with their infants. The greatest challenge for the youth teams is hiking the lumber through the bush to get to their houses which are scattered all over the mountainside. .