Raised Gardens for Women

  • Location
    Cabaret Region
  • Status

The Problem

Haiti Plunge Inc. brings youth groups every month to Haiti. We have been working with the same nine bush mountain villages in the central plateau of Haiti for 30 years. Our 2015 project is building Raised Gardens for Women next to their houses to increase the amount of food they can provide for their children. The gardens are 4ft wide by 8ft. long, 10 inches deep on legs that are 4 1/2 high to protect the crops from animals. They can plant 5 different vegetables every 90 days. The gardens do not need a lot of water and produce a lot of food for the women to give to their children. Teams of youth can build two raised gardens a day. Because the gardens are next to their houses they can stay at home with their infants. The greatest challenge for the youth teams is hiking the lumber through the bush to get to their houses which are scattered all over the mountainside. .

Our Plan

Haiti Plunge Inc. has built three gardens since Feb. and will build two in June and two more in Aug. 2015 when Haiti Plunge teams are in Haiti. The teams raise all the money for the project. Each garden costs $200 USD to build and includes vegetable seeds and a container for compost. On April 17th a HPI team completed a Youth Service America Disney grant that funded two gardens. HPI welcomes US students to fill out an online application to participate in a HPI team. Visit www.thehaitiplunge.org to see what we are all about. The Raised Garden Project is ongoing. To date 8 gardens have been built for women living in the nine bush villages HPI serves. The 2016 goal is to build 50 gardens total. Anyone willing to invest in this project is more than welcome to visit the HPI website and donate via Paypal account. The gardens have provided an additional food resource especially during the recent 8-month drought.

Themes Addressed

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    Food Choices
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    Indigenous Rights

The Benefit

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