R & S members Recycle Old Electronics

  • Location
    Tulsa, Oklahoma
  • Status

The Problem

We wish to collect as many used electronics on our campus as possible. Riverfield R & S students want to help protect the habitat for chimpanzees. We also want to motivate our generation to recycle their electronics so they can be reused or repurposed. This project supports the celebration of the JGI International Day for Mobile Phone Recycling. Many of the metals and minerals used in these technologies are extracted from threatened chimpanzee habitats across the Congo Basin.

Our Plan

We have been collecting used electronics on our school campus since January of 2015. The R & S members and school will continue to participate in this important recycle program by checking their recycle boxes, posting flyers and making announcements, and collecting materials to ship to the Jane Goodall Institute. Our first shipment of used electronics for recycling was done on April 21st 2015.

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The Benefit

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