Protection of Arusha national park buffer zones and water sources conservation

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The Problem

To raise awareness to local communities around Arusha National Park on the importance of conserving the National Park buffer zones nearby their homes. This will create a fruitful neighborhood that will exist for life history of the park. It will also help controlling the frequently unnecessary killing of wild animals who crosses the borders of the park to nearby community farms. I wish this project to be the central link between community and the park authority in resolving this problem. It is my wish also that conservation of water sources is done with local participation for sustainability. To introduce Payment for Environmental Services as many flower companies utilize water from these sources but they don't pay for the conservation of the water catchments or establish conservation means of water sources they benefits.

Our Plan

Project will bring together the community members and the Park authority to share good means of protecting the buffer zones It will establish nurseries for indigenous and exotic tree species to be replanted into disturbed catchments It will form school environmental clubs for environmental knowledge dissemination, nursery establishment and management. School clubs will extend tree planting and conservation knowledge with community members in protected areas especially in buffer zones and catchments. Collaborate with village leaders in forming environmental conservation by-laws.

Themes Addressed

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    Clean Water
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The Benefit

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