Promoting Water Conservation in Andover

  • Location
    Andover, Massachusetts
  • Status

The Problem

We want to raise awareness throughout our community towards the importance of water conservation. We hope to give people the tools and information necessary so that they can improve their water usage and help make our town more water-conservation friendly.

Our Plan

Our local water treatment plant offers free water conservation kits. This is a great tool many people are not aware of, or are simply not willing to go get themselves. Therefore, we will be bringing it to them! Along with an informative pamphlet we will be making, we will distribute the water conservation kits throughout town. The indoor kit includes: kitchen and bath faucet aerators, and a low flow shower nozzle. The outdoor kit includes: hose repair kit, hose timer, rain gauge, and a garden nozzle.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Clean Water
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The Benefit

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