Promoting Sexual Reproductive Health informtion for Youth with Disabilities in Buea

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The Problem

Despite the above scores, the Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) of persons with disabilities (blind and deaf) has been overlooked by both the disability community and those working on SRH. This leaves persons with disabilities among the most marginalized groups when it comes to SRH services. Yet they have the same needs for SRH services as everyone else. In fact, persons with disabilities may actually have greater needs for SRH education and care than persons without disabilities due to their increased vulnerability to abuse. the project seeks to reduce; 1. 85% of Women with disabilities in Buea district sensitized on family planning issues by the end of project 2. 89% of Youth with Disabilities and their families in Buea sensitized on the sexual reproductive health issues by end of project period 3. 90% of health workers in Buea sensitized on the sexual reproductive health needs and services for women and Youth with disabilities by end of project

Our Plan

The project’s Increase access to appropriate health information, knowledge, learning materials and facilities, to address the basic health needs on a one to one talk and peer education, Provide educational and training opportunities to the Children, Youth, and young adults with disabilities and those under difficult circumstances to give them knowledge and skills for self-sustenance in their institution and organizing home visits

Themes Addressed

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    Indigenous Rights
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    Peace & Safety

The Benefit

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