Project S.T.C. (Save the Coquí)

  • Location
    Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico
  • Status

The Problem

I want to protect the coquí frog population in Puerto Rico from becoming extinct. From 17 known species of this little frog, 3 are already extinct. The coquí frog is part of our culture. It is a national symbol. It also controls the mosquito population that threatens our health transmitting diseases like dengue and chikungunya. The coquí species are endangered by excessive deforestation, forest fires, and by different predators that feed on this little animal.

Our Plan

Saving the coquí means that future generations will be able to hear its song and maybe we can control diseases transmitted by mosquitoes in a better way . In order to achieve this, I want to educate people about the importance of protecting this little frog. Second, I am developing a harbouring device or "coquiario" in order to protect the coquí in our backyards. Third, I want to involve everyone I can to join me on this journey.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
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    Food Choices
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The Benefit

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