Project: Pink: A Menstrual Hygiene Products Drive

  • Location
    Rehoboth, Massachusetts
  • Status
  • Age Level
    Any Age
  • Group Type

The Problem

Project: Pink is a menstrual hygiene products drive. After holding a mProject: Pink drive in the autumn of 2016, I learned that the donations acquired throughout the drive were used up within a month. So, I'm organizing another drive! It will take place during the month of May (2017). My goal for this project is to assist homeless and low-income women in my area by donating feminine hygiene products to my local food pantry/assistance program, and to address the taboo surrounding menstruation in my community.

Our Plan

I will prepare and deliver donation boxes at local businesses to collect menstrual hygiene products such as pads and tampons. I will also advertise Project: Pink by sending out press releases, distributing flyers, and using a social media hashtag to raise awareness about this project, which might help us gather more donations.

Themes Addressed

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    Poverty & Equity

The Benefit

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