Project G.R.A.P.E.

  • Location
    Stone Mountain, Georgia
  • Status
  • Age Level
    11 to 13 Years
    14 to 18 Years
    19 to 25 Years
  • Group Type

The Problem

It is my wish to teach adults and children how to grow their produce, know the facts about gardening, and understanding the importance of gardening through journalism, taking pictures of projects and creating an ecosystem of knowledge in order to end child hunger.

Our Plan

By partnering with churches, schools, and community centers (organizations) in the Atlanta corridor and surrounding areas, Project G.R.A.P.E will use the land made available by the churches and schools involved in order to grow, teach, and serve the community. Project G.R.A.P.E. will focus on educating communities by teaching the need and importance of gardening and self-sustained living. While recruiting volunteers, Project G.R.A.P.E. will host weekend events where our participants will learn about gardening. Topics that will be discussed during these weekend events will include but are not limited to, gardening with green limited space, growing produce through re-planting and composting. These weekend events will not only help teach a new generation of people how to grow their own food, but these youth that participate will be able to spread this knowledge to people in their lives. Project G.R.A.P.E. will be able to engage new generation with bold, fun techniques while also teaching them life-long skills that will potentially end childhood hunger.

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement
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    Food Choices
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The Benefit

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Here is how the project went:

At the beginning of the year everything went well. Student participants learned how to create and maintain a garden and create a sustainable lifestyle through that education. Due to COVID-19, schools shutdown and our in-person garden activities ended. We moved everything to being virtually. Our students have been able to receive at-home gardening kits while also being updated on the progress of the plants that they planted before our in-person session ended.

Through this project I/we learned:

We learned how to continue being flexible while still being able to provide our student participants access to the curriculum and gardening activities, virtually.

What I/we might change:

We would change the way we attempt to conduct our virtual learning with the students that participate in our project. Some students aren't able to participate because they don't have either computers or wifi at home. Would like to find ways to better assist students accessing virtual learning activities.

My/our favorite part of this project was:

My favorite part of the project was getting out with the student participants in the garden and learning alongside them.

Some tips, tricks or fun facts about the project:

Use your creativity in developing lessons and activities that are interesting to youth while they are either participating in in-person learning or virtual.

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