Project aqua

  • Location
    Curlew, Washington
  • Status

The Problem

Citizens in ferry county buy bottled water weekly to travel and transport to and from school, home, sports, and throw a high percentage of those plastic bottles away. So with a water bottle filler they can reduce and reuse all those bottles.

Our Plan

It will help students, athletes, parents and teachers quickly fill up their water bottles before or during class. During games, athletes can quickly fill up their water bottles and get back to the game instead of having to go all the way the the nearest bathroom. Lastly if parents are volunteering for a school group or activity it can help them quickly fill up their water and get back to the kids. When or if we get the money we will take that money and use it towards the fund to a water bottle filler.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Clean Water
  • term icon
    Food Choices
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The Benefit

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