The Problem
My hope is that my students will be able to work together cooperatively to create posters to get others to be more mindful of doing their part to help others in a variety of ways.
My hope is that my students will be able to work together cooperatively to create posters to get others to be more mindful of doing their part to help others in a variety of ways.
Hopefully, the posters will be placed in areas for our school and community to see so that people can help us make our school campus and Tucson a better place to live. We want to help instill pride and get more people doing their part to do what is right for the community. We will begin our projects once we return from spring break. Rather than focus on just one area, the class wanted to break up into smaller groups to cover the following ideas: recycle/reuse/reduce, the hazards of littering, and the importance of planting and taking care of our desert vegetation.