Polly’s Pollinator Garden

  • Location
    BISHOP, California
  • Status
  • Age Level
    Any Age

The Problem

Monarch butterfly populations have declined 99% in California since the 1980s and the monarch butterfly depends on showy milkweed plants to survive. Also, the Owens Checkerbloom is a wildflower which is endemic to Payahuunadü (The Owens Valley) and is extremely endangered due to loss of habitat caused by groundwater pumping and overgrazing.

Our Plan

The Bishop Paiute Tribe's Environmental Management Office is hoping to work with the Bishop Tribal Youth Council develop a pollinator garden on the reservation's Conservation Open Space Area which will host both showy milkweed and Owens Valley Checkerbloom. The Conservation Open Space Area has ideal habitat for both of these important wildflowers, is located on the reservation which will mean access to the garden is available to all Tribal and community members, and the garden will serve as a learning garden for environmental education programs for 3rd and 5th grade students at the public elementary school in Bishop, CA. Students in the environmental education programs at Bishop Elementary School will also have the opportunity to participate in ongoing service learning projects in order to maintain the garden.

Themes Addressed

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    Endangered Species
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    Indigenous Rights
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The Benefit

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